Since its founding in 1964, Saint Aloysius Parish has grown to more than 5000 families with enrollment of over 900 students in Religious Education. Throughout the years, many parish societies and organizations have sprung up from the community, making our parish active and vibrant.

We encourage all the faithful to participate fully in the Mass: praying the prayers and responses together, raising our voices in song, actively listening to the Word of God, walking together in procession to receive Christ in the Eucharist, and offering all that we do and all that we are to our Lord Jesus Christ.
It is our hope that anyone who enters our Church will find God’s Presence truly alive both in the Sacrament and in one another, and that they will leave nurtured, fulfilled and challenged to live more perfectly the life to which Christ has called them.

The celebration of the Eucharist is the “source and summit” of what we do as Catholic Christians.
About our staff
St. Aloysius Parish
Pastor: Very Reverend John Bambrick V.F.
732-370-0500, ext. 218
Parochial Vicar: Rev. RJ Ballacillo
732-370-0500 ext. 207
Weekend Assistant: Rev. James McDevitt
Deacon Uku Mannikus
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Rene Perez
Permanent Deacon
Deacon Vincent Rinaldi
Permanent Deacon
Music Director: Naomi Capasso
732-370-0500 ext. 217
Religious Education Department
Director of Religious Education: Jennifer Petrillo [email protected], 732-370-0500 Ext. 311
Sacramental Coordinator: Paula Mammana [email protected],732-370-0500 Ext. 314