To obtain a Mass Card, Devotional or Shrine Candle in memory or honor of someone, please visit the parish office during office hours (8:30am – 3:30pm Monday through Friday) or call 732-370-0500 ext. 204. We will need the name of the person for whom the intention is requested and the name of the donor. The donation for Mass Cards is $15 for a single Mass or $25 for the Annual Enrollment (12 Masses celebrated each First Friday at 8:30am); Devotional Candles lit for one week, $25; Shrine Candle lit for one (1) year, $250. Payments can be accepted in the form of cash or check made payable to St. Aloysius Church.
Annual Enrollment Masses are celebrated each First Friday at 8:30am.
Devotional Candles lit for one week ($25).
Shrine Candle lit for one year ($250).
Receive Envelopes
To begin receiving envelopes, you must first be registered with the parish living in Jackson, NJ. To register, please complete a registration form which can be picked up at the parish office, at the Church or by downloading it from the website (Download Registration Form PDF). We offer contribution envelopes for the entire year and starter sets may be picked up at the parish office.
Receive a Sponsor Letter for Baptism or Confirmation
The Church takes very seriously the important role of being a sponsor for the Sacraments of Initiation. A sponsor must be someone who can represent the Church in the continuing faith formation of those entrusted to their care. Choosing a sponsor should be based on the person’s dedication to the Faith and regular practice thereof. For those seeking letters of eligibility as Sacramental Sponsors, you must be a registered parishioner here at St. Aloysius for a minimum of three (3) months; 16 years or older; a fully initiated member of the Catholic Church (Sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation); and, if married, the marriage was performed by a Catholic Priest or Deacon in a Catholic Church. We cannot grant certificates to anyone who does not meet these important criteria and we are very grateful for your understanding.

Register (or update) for Online Giving
Registering for Online Giving is an easier way to give and allows the Church the ability to budget for the expenses of our parish. Registration is easy. Please click on the “Giving” tab on the upper right hand of the website to begin the process. Please note that the parish office does not have access to your account information and is unable to change or update your password or alter your registered giving amount. We thank you for your continued support.
Please click on the “Giving” tab to begin the process.
Make Funeral Arrangements
“Eternal Rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them.”
On behalf of the parish community of St. Aloysius, we extend our sincere and prayerful condolences on your loss. To arrange a funeral, please contact our parish office and we can help direct you through the process of arranging a Mass or service at the funeral home.
Schedule Baptisms
Baptisms are celebrated on most Sundays of the month at 1:30pm (except during Lent). Baptismal preparation classes are held the first Wednesday of the month at 7:00pm online. Both parents and Godparents are expected to attend prior to scheduling a Baptism. Godparents may attend a class in their own parish if needed. Registration for a Baptism Preparation Class is made through the parish office.
The Catholic Church requires two (2) Sponsors for Baptism; one male and one female. At least one (1) of these must be a Catholic who has received the Sacraments of Baptism, Communion and Confirmation and be at least 16 years of age. If they are married, they must have been married in a Catholic Ceremony recognized by the Catholic Church. If you choose one sponsor who is not a Catholic, that person must be a Christian who has received the Sacrament of Baptism. They will be listed as a Christian Witness. Catholics cannot be a Christian Witness.
Parents must be registered parishioners of our parish and Godparents are required to obtain a Sponsor Letter from their Church indicating they are participating Catholics. Christian Witnesses are asked to receive a letter from their Church stating they have satisfied all requirements and are members in good standing.
No date will be reserved until the parish office has received proof of attendance in a Baptism Prep Class as well as the Sponsor Certificates for Godparents.

Schedule a Wedding
Your wedding liturgy is a very special event. Guidelines are carefully planned to help make your wedding the beginning of the beautiful Sacrament that marriage is.
According to the policy of the Diocese of Trenton, couples are requested to contact the parish office at least one year before the intended wedding date and must be a registered member of the parish, living in Jackson, for a minimum of six (6) months. No wedding date will be confirmed until an initial meeting is completed and it has been determined that both bride and groom are free to marry in the Catholic Church. For this initial meeting, couples will need to bring recently issued (within 6 months) Baptism, Communion and Confirmation Certificates. If your sacraments were administered here at St. Aloysius, we will have the information and you do not need to obtain a copy. To schedule a meeting or for more information, please contact the parish office.
Weddings are held on Friday at 4:00pm and Saturday at 12:00pm and 2:00pm. No weddings are scheduled during Lent.