Sponsored by: Cohort 23 (St. Aloysius, St. Elizabeth Ann Seton, St. John & St. Monica Parishes)
The cost of the bus is $15 for adults and children under 12 are free. Please complete the information below, detach and mail (or drop off at St. Aloysius’ Parish Office) with your payment.
Name ___,
Parish ___,
Address ___,
Phone ___,
Email ___,
Number of adults @ $15.00 each ___,
Number of children (free)___,
Total amount enclosed____ (make check payable to “St. Aloysius Church”)
Bus leaves St. Aloysius Church parking lot at 7:30am and St. John, Lakehurst at 7:45am
Special Blessing of Families, Opportunities for Confession,
Holy Mass celebrated by Bishop O’Connell, C.M.
Depart for home at 5:00pm with a stop for dinner.