Adult Bible Study
Weekly Bible Study (Lectio Divina) – Breaking Open the Word
Tuesdays at 2:30PM
Duration: 1 hour
In person at the parish office
Join us for a weekly reflection, led by Fr. RJ, on the readings for the upcoming Sunday. We practice an abridged form of Lectio Divina by reading each passage aloud, sharing a word or phrase that stands out to each of us, then explore some of the literary, historical, and spiritual contexts of each passage.
Walking With Purpose
We have an open chair for you. Come as you are! Join us for Walking with Purpose Catholic women’s ministry where we will journey through Scripture together.
We meet Thursday at 7pm in Morello Hall.
To register or for more information, email to [email protected] or call the parish office at 732-370-0500 ext. 204